Document Reversing for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
The reversal feature in Business Central's purchase/sales documents only marks the reversed document itself as a reversal. It does not mark the ledger entries consisting of related documents as reverse entries. This situation also shows reverse entries of sales/purchase documents in Customer/Vendor Trial Balance and Detailed Trial Balance reports, making them difficult to examine.
Vendor Ledger Entry, Detailed Vendor Ledger Entry, VAT Entry, Customer Ledger Entry, Detailed Customer Ledger Entry, Job Ledger Entry, General Ledger Entry and G/L Register records created together with the related document when the sales/purchase documents are reversed by the document reversal application are also marked as a reversed record.
With the improvement made in sales/purchase documents, using the Reverse Record fields added to the tables, whether or not to show reversals in the Customer, Vendor and General Ledger reports is also adjusted.
Supported Editions
This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries
All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.
Supported Languages
English (US) and Turkish (Turkey)